Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Pecha Kucha 1 of 20: Two Misperceptions about Communicating

Well, I'll tell you, twenty slides of twenty seconds apiece is quite a challenge if you try to say too much (more info on "Pecha Kucha"  or ペチャクチャ here). At several points I felt like Doctor Who running around gesturing like a madman and speaking a thousand words a minute. It went well however and I enjoyed it, the high-speed transfer of information. Maybe that'll just have to be my style, although I think I can get to the point quicker with practice.

At the time of this blog entry then, I've presented "Grains of Sand" once. Slide one:

Two diagrams, completely symbolic, representing two key misperceptions we have when communicating.

The first, when I speak, I'm certain that the other person hearing me knows exactly what I meant.

And the second, when they speak to me, I'm certain that I understand exactly what they meant.

We understand, but only to an imperfect degree, which is usually but not always sufficient for communication to be considered successful.

1 comment:

  1. I need to 'present' this slide to the wife!! I talk, she hears, we both different things as we have unique context and frames of reference. To use sufficient words to ensure 100% communication can be wasteful and the message lost in redundancy. To produce short concise yet self contained communication takes time and understanding of the audience. Think billboard headlines vs how kids tell you about their day expecting you to know all that they already know.

    Sorry for the long comment but I didn't have time to write a short one!(credit Mark Twain).
